StatsLogMask "^(\S+).+\[(.*?)\] \"GET (\S*) HTTP.*\" (200|302) [^\"]+ \"([^\"]*)\" \"([^\"]*)\".*" StatsDupWindow 200 StatsIgnoreMask ".*\?.*" StatsIgnoreMask "^.*\.(txt|list|html)$" # strip prefixed protocol (normally only sent to proxies, but sometimes occurs in the wild) StatsPrefilter "^http://[^/]+/" "" # remove duplicated slashes StatsPrefilter "/+" "/" # strip appended .metalink suffix StatsPrefilter "\.metalink$" "" # dharma-pre/ # $osname/$product/$product-$ StatsCount "^/addons/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/\2-([0-9.]+)\.zip$" "prod: \2 os: \1 version: \3 lang: --" StatsPostfilter "(prod|os|version|lang): " "" # FIXME: we didn't need to add those words in the first place; not needed at all. # they were just useful for orientation. # vim: ft=apache ai ts=4 sw=4 smarttab expandtab smarttab