mod_autoindex_mb is a patched mod_autoindex. It adds a little further capability as index option. The following option is provided: IndexOptions Mirrorlist This adds a link named "Details" for each item in the index, which links to the same item but with ".mirrorlist" appended. The provided mod_autoindex.c.patch shows the differences to the original module. This patch is *not* meant to be applied to mod_autoindex in the httpd source tree. It merely serves to illustrate in which way mod_autoindex_mb differs from mod_autoindex. Only one module can be loaded at a time - either mod_autoindex or mod_autoindex_mb. The two modules can not usefully run side by side, because they share the same configuration directives. The module name differs, so that it can be explicit which module is loaded. The module can be compiled like this: apxs2 -c '-Wc,-Wall -g -D_GNU_SOURCE' mod_autoindex_mb.c (I can't remember why I needed the _GNU_SOURCE. It was on Linux and was probably related to filesystem access. The module should work on any platform, of course.) poeml, Tue Jul 14 01:02:15 CEST 2009