This file is relatively obsolete. Issues are tracked in the issue tracker meanwhile, which can be found here: Missing features: * mb probefile: follow redirects. Testcase: which "blindly" redirects to an FTP server (by URL rewriting), but the file isn't there. see for some ideas/details * mirrorprobe: does it deal with FTP urls entered as baseurl (which is meant for HTTP)? * make MirrorBrainExcludeNetwork work by prefix match, instead of simple string prefix comparison using apr_ipsubnet_create() and apr_ipsubnet_test() as mod_authz_host does? * make installation easier, by providing Makefiles, and a for the Python module. Improvements: * rewrite debugLog(r, cfg, ...) as macro which checks for cfg->debug==1 before caling ebugLog() * check whether the maxconnections metalink attribute should be included, so that aria2c downloads from more than one server even when every server has a distinct preference value. * ?mirrorlist mirror lists: set Vary header on X-AS? make it more cacheable? Cf. Metalinks: make them less cacheable? * check if the Vary header on Accept is added on all requests! Further ideas: * evaluate if it makes sense to memcache database query results, which may not be practicable for all objects, but for some particular objects, like those with mime type application/x-cd-image. They should not be cached for a significant amount of time, but a few minutes shouldn't be a problem. As a key for the memcache object, one could use the label of the prepared SQL statement combined with the filename. * stickyness of (large) files to certain mirrors, to make better use of buffer caches? * collect statistics on number and volume (cumulated file sizes) of redirects for mod_status, show per mirror identifier since last restart