These instructions show how to install: 1. mod_mirrorbrain, the Apache module 2. other needed components 3. the database >> For installation on openSUSE, best refer to >> >> which gives directions suitable for copy & paste. Install Apache 2.2.6 or later. openSUSE/SLE: you'll find it here: Gentoo: has new enough Apache. CentOS 5/RHEL: very old Apache. It *might* work, but not, you'll need to get a newer one. Debian: the Apache in etch is too old, otherwise it should be okay. Get MirrorBrain binary packages, if possible. See for where to find them. The page also links sources to downloads. Building from sources The main Apache module can be built with the following steps: # unpack the tarball cd mod_mirrorbrain apxs2 -c mod_mirrorbrain.c To install the module in the right place, you would typically call apxs2 -i mod_mirrorbrain.c Building, installing and activation can typically be combined in one apxs call: apxs2 -cia mod_mirrorbrain.c After installation of mod_mirrorbrain, you'll need to: - install GeoIP library, commandline tools, and geoip apache module (openSUSE/SLE packages: GeoIP, libGeoIP1, apache2-mod_geoip) - configure mod_geoip: GeoIPEnable On GeoIPOutput Env GeoIPDBFile /var/lib/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat MMapCache (You would typically put this into the server-wide context of a virtual host.) Note that a caching mode like MMapCache needs to be used, when Apache runs with the worker MPM. - install mod_form (openSUSE/SLE package: apache2-webthings-collection) - install the following Python modules: python-cmdln python-sqlobject python-psycopg2 For openSUSE/SLE, these can be found here: - for the scanner, which is written in Perl, a few Perl modules are required: perl-Config-IniFiles perl-libwww-perl perl-Digest-MD4 (it is not *really* needed, but prevents an ugly error message) perl-DBD-Pg - configure the database to use with MirrorBrain, and continue with the respective description below: - install the PostgreSQL database adapter for the DBD library (openSUSE/SLE package: libapr-util1-dbd-pgsql) Note, if the web server is set up seperately from the database server, only the web server needs this package. - install postgresql and start it - create the postgresql user account and database: su - postgres root@powerpc:~ # su - postgres postgres@powerpc:~> createuser -P mb Enter password for new role: Enter it again: Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) n Shall the new role be allowed to create databases? (y/n) n Shall the new role be allowed to create more new roles? (y/n) n CREATE ROLE postgres@powerpc:~> createdb -O mb mb_samba CREATE DATABASE postgres@powerpc:~> createlang plpgsql mb_samba postgres@powerpc:~> postgres@powerpc:~> cp data/pg_hba.conf data/pg_hba.conf.orig postgres@powerpc:~> vi data/pg_hba.conf # TYPE DATABASE USER CIDR-ADDRESS METHOD # "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only #local all all ident sameuser local all all password # IPv4 local connections: host all all password # IPv6 local connections: host all all ::1/128 password # remote connections: host mb_samba mb password Tuning: If the database will be large, reserve enough memory for it (mainly by setting shared_buffers), and in any case you should switch off synchronous commit mode (synchronous_commit = off). This can be set in data/postgresql.conf. root@powerpc:~ # rcpostgresql restart - import table structure, and initial data: psql -U mb -f sql/schema-postgresql.sql mb_samba psql -U mb -f sql/initialdata-postgresql.sql mb_samba (the sql directory can be found, on openSUSE, in /usr/share/doc/packages/apache2-mod_mirrorbrain) - the openSUSE and Gento packages/ebuilds automatically create a group and user to run the mirrorbrain tools as. If you install from source, you would do the following: groupadd -r mirrorbrain useradd -r -o -g mirrorbrain -s /bin/bash -c "MirrorBrain user" -d /home/mirrorbrain mirrorbrain - create /etc/mirrorbrain.conf with the content below. File permissions should be 0640, ownership root:mirrorbrain [general] instances = samba [samba] dbuser = mb dbpass = 12345 dbdriver = postgresql dbhost = # optional: dbport = ... dbname = mb_samba [mirrorprobe] mailto =, - Note: the "mb" tool referenced below is (for convenience) a symlink to the script. - now you should be able to type 'mb list' without getting an error. It'll produce no output, but exit with 0. If it gives an error, something is wrong. - collect a list of mirrors (their HTTP baseurl, and their rsync or FTP baseurl for scanning). For example: rsync:// rsync:// Now you need to enter the mirrors into the database; it could be done using the "mb" mirrorbrain tool. (See 'mb help new' for full option list.) mb new \ --http \ --rsync rsync:// mb new \ --http \ --rsync rsync:// The tool automatically figures out the GeoIP location of each mirror by itself. But you could also specify them on the commandline. If you want to edit a mirror later, use mb edit To simply display a mirror dataset, you'd use 'mb show kddilabs', for instance. Finally, each mirror needs to be scanned and enabled: mb scan --enable See the output of 'mb help' for more commands. - configure Apache: - load the Apache modules: a2enmod form a2enmod dbd a2enmod mirrorbrain - create a DNS alias for your web host, if needed - configure the database adapter (mod_dbd), resp. its connection pool. Put the configuration into server-wide context. Config example:: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # for prefork, this configuration is inactive. prefork simply uses 1 # connection per child. DBDMin 0 DBDMax 32 DBDKeep 4 DBDExptime 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - configure the database driver. Put this configuration into server-wide OR vhost context. Make the file chmod 0640, owned root:root because it will contain the database password. Config example:: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DBDriver pgsql # note that the connection string (which is passed straight through to # PGconnectdb in this case) looks slightly different - pass vs. password DBDParams "host=localhost user=mb password=12345 dbname=mb_samba connect_timeout=15" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - configure mod_mirrorbrain. You probably want to reate a vhost (e.g. /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/ and add the MirrorBrain configuration like shown here: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ServerName ServerAdmin DocumentRoot /srv/samba/pub/projects ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/ CustomLog /var/log/apache2/ combined MirrorBrainEngine On MirrorBrainDebug Off FormGET On MirrorBrainHandleHEADRequestLocally Off MirrorBrainMinSize 2048 MirrorBrainHandleDirectoryIndexLocally On MirrorBrainExcludeUserAgent rpm/4.4.2* MirrorBrainExcludeUserAgent *APT-HTTP* MirrorBrainExcludeMimeType application/pgp-keys Options FollowSymLinks Indexes AllowOverride None Order allow,deny Allow from all ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - restart Apache, while watching the error log: tail -F /var/log/apache2/*_log & rcapache2 restart - mirror surveillance: put this into /etc/crontab: -* * * * * mirrorbrain mirrorprobe -t 20 &>/dev/null likewise, configure scanning: 44 0,4,8,12,16,20 * * * mirrorbrain mb scan -j 3 -a - TODO: describe how to test that the install was successful (When testing, consider any excludes that you configured, and which may confuse you.) - TODO: describe decent logging setup - further things that you might want to configure: - mod_autoindex_mb, a replacement for the standard module mod_autoindex: a2dismod autoindex a2enmod autoindex_mb Add IndexOptions Metalink Mirrorlist (or IndexOptions +Metalink +Mirrorlist, depending on your config) - add a link to a CSS stylesheet for mirror lists: MirrorBrainMirrorlistStylesheet "" and for the autoindex: IndexStyleSheet "" - prepare the metalink hashes. First, add some configuration: MirrorBrainMetalinkPublisher "openSUSE" MirrorBrainMetalinkHashesPathPrefix /srv/metalink-hashes/ppc install the "metalink" tool from (openSUSE package called metalink, create the actual hashes: metalink-hasher update -t /srv/metalink-hashes/ppc/srv/ftp/pub/opensuse/ppc /srv/ftp/pub/opensuse/ppc add the hashing command to /etc/crontab to be run every few hours. +++ That's how far the instructions go. I hope they are useful. Please subscribe to the mirrorbrain mailing list, see . Questions can be answered there, feedback is appreciated. Memcache support ================ Memcache support is optional. You should not need it normally, so it is suggested that you just ignore this. When compiling with memcache support, -DWITH_MEMCACHE needs to be among the compile flags. apxs2 -c -Wc,"-DWITH_MEMCACHE -Wall -g" mod_mirrorbrain.c If you use an apr-util version prior to 1.3, the memcache client support isn't included. Then you'll need to get and build libapr_memcache, and then you'll probably build mod_mirrorbrain like this: apxs2 -c -I/usr/include/apr_memcache-0 -lapr_memcache '-Wc,-Wall -DWITH_MEMCACHE -g -D_GNU_SOURCE' mod_mirrorbrain.c Further steps required for memcache support would be: - install memcached - make sure it listens on localhost only (/etc/sysconfig/memcached) - start it ("/etc/init.d/memcached start") - configure it to start at boot ("chkconfig -a memcached") - install mod_memcache (openSUSE package apache2-mod_memcache) a2enmod memcache Configuration example: MemcacheServer min=0 smax=4 max=16 ttl=600 MirrorBrainMemcached On MirrorBrainMemcachedLifetime 1800